Joshua Lemell Joshua Lemell

2016 Clown Sightings

Unease settled over the city like a shroud. Painted faces, stretched into grotesque smiles, appeared overnight down every dark turn. Whispers traveled faster than the wind, chilling tales of figures lurking at the edge of vision, their laughter echoing in the dead of night. These weren't playful jesters or whimsical performers. These were harbingers of something wicked, their colorful facades a mask for a darkness that promised only terror. Enter the clowns. Things, are about to get strange.

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Joshua Lemell Joshua Lemell

Sandy Hook

On a cold December morning in 2012, the serene town of Newtown, Connecticut, was torn apart by an act of unspeakable horror. The name Adam Lanza would soon become synonymous with tragedy. Plagued by severe mental health struggles and gripped by a dark obsession, Lanza's descent into madness culminated in a massacre that forever changed countless lives. On December 14, 2012, he stormed into Sandy Hook Elementary School and, in a matter of minutes, extinguished the bright futures of 20 innocent children and six courageous educators. The echoes of gunfire that day shattered families, a community, and a nation. In this episode, we delve into the haunting history of Adam Lanza, recount the devastating events of that fateful day, and explore the profound impact on a town left grappling with unimaginable loss. Join us as we navigate this heart-wrenching story, seeking to understand the depths of this tragedy and the scars it left behind. Things are about to get strange.

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Joshua Lemell Joshua Lemell


Tonight, we delve into the celestial shadows, where astronomy meets the extraordinary. Have you ever wondered if the Sun itself could vanish? Not in some fiery cataclysm, mind you, but in a ballet of perfect alignment. Tonight, we unlock the secrets of the solar eclipse, a cosmic event where the Moon, our celestial companion, becomes a cosmic magician, swallowing the Sun whole and plunging the world into an inky twilight. This isn't some parlor trick with mirrors – this is the awe-inspiring power of the cosmos on display. So, fasten your metaphorical seatbelts, because we're about to witness the greatest magic trick the sky has to offer! Things are about to get strange.

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Folklore Joshua Lemell Folklore Joshua Lemell

Icelandic Christmas

In the heart of Iceland’s wintry embrace, where the auroras dance above, and the snow whispers secrets of old, there lies a tale as chilling as the frostbitten winds. This is not your typical Christmas story of joy and cheer, but rather a dark folklore that weaves through the mountainous landscapes, casting shadows in the corners of children’s imaginations. It speaks of a peculiar family, dwellers of a cave shrouded in mystery, etching their presence into the long, dark nights of Yuletide. Things are about to get strange.

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Folklore Joshua Lemell Folklore Joshua Lemell


In the depths of winter, when frost covers windows and whispers fill the crisp, bone-chilling air, a sinister figure emerges. This being, known as Krampus, stands as the shadowy counterpart to the jovial St. Nicholas. With horns that pierce the night, cloven hooves that echo ominously, and chains that rattle like ghostly warnings, Krampus roams the edges of yuletide festivities. His mission: to seek out the wicked and the mischievous. As the snow falls gently, beware the icy grasp of Krampus, for he arrives not to reward but to punish. In the flickering candlelight, his malevolent presence serves as a bone-chilling reminder that the line between holiday cheer and chilling terror is dangerously thin. Things are about to get strange.

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Haunted Objects Joshua Lemell Haunted Objects Joshua Lemell

The Ouija Board

In the dim and foreboding corners of the paranormal, there exists a sinister conduit to the afterlife—an instrument of terror and intrigue known as the Ouija board. Crafted with letters, numbers, and cryptic symbols, it serves as a portal to converse with the spirits of the departed, allowing the living to beckon the ethereal from the shadows. In the dead of night, with trembling hands and racing hearts, brave souls dare to unlock its eerie potential, to make a connection to the spectral world beyond. Things are about to get strange.

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Haunted Place Joshua Lemell Haunted Place Joshua Lemell

The Devil’s Tree

Located deep within the heart of Florida, in the tranquil wilderness of Oak Hammock Park, stands an ancient oak tree with its gnarled branches reaching towards the heavens like the claws of some forgotten beast. This is no ordinary tree; this is the Devil's Tree, a sentinel of darkness, its history etched in tales of unholy rituals and unsolved murders.

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Conspiracy Joshua Lemell Conspiracy Joshua Lemell

Titanic Conspiracy

The Titanic, a symbol of invincibility, sank on its maiden voyage in 1912. But what if it wasn't an accident? This episode explores the mysterious web of conspiracy theories that continue to swirl around the Titanic's sinking. Join us as we dive headfirst into the treacherous waters of speculation and uncover the mysteries that refuse to let this maritime disaster rest in peace. Things are about to get strange.

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Cryptid Joshua Lemell Cryptid Joshua Lemell

The Beast of Bray Road

Deep within the foreboding Wisconsin wilderness, where moonlight struggles against the encroaching darkness, the ominous Beast of Bray Road dwells—a nightmarish enigma that has tormented Elkhorn, Wisonsin for generations. This malevolent creature, a grotesque amalgamation of human and beast, stalks the desolate Bray Road with burning eyes that pierce the night. Tales of blood-curdling howls and gnashing fangs fuel the chilling lore surrounding this entity, whether it be a vengeful spirit or a creation of sinister forces, preying upon the unsuspecting and sowing terror under the pallid moonlight. As the boundary between legend and reality blurs, the Beast of Bray Road beckons you into a world where fear reigns supreme, and the line between the living and the damned fades into a realm of unspeakable horrors. Things are about to get strange.

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Weird Place Joshua Lemell Weird Place Joshua Lemell

The Bermuda Triangle

Amidst the vast expanse of the ocean, where the azure waves embrace the horizon, a sinister enigma shrouds the waters in an eerie veil of mystery. Whispers of maritime lore and chilling tales intertwine, casting an ominous spell upon all who dare to venture into its heart. This is the Bermuda Triangle, a realm where compasses spin wildly, navigational instruments falter, and ships and planes vanish without a trace. As night descends and the moon's pallid light flickers upon the undulating tides, the secrets of this treacherous triangle awaken, beckoning those with both curiosity and courage to unlock the riddles that lie within its unfathomable depths.

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Just Weird Joshua Lemell Just Weird Joshua Lemell

The Uncanny Valley

Welcome to a captivating journey through the Uncanny Valley, where we explore the extraordinary realm where technology and humanity collide, challenging our perceptions of what it means to be truly human.

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Conspiracy Theory Joshua Lemell Conspiracy Theory Joshua Lemell


Have you ever wondered if the Earth is really a sphere? Or if it's actually flat? Well, you're not alone. There are a growing number of people who believe that the Earth is flat, and they have some pretty convincing arguments. In this episode of our podcast, we're going to take a deep dive into the flat Earth theory and explore all the evidence, both for and against it. So, whether you're a believer or a skeptic, strap in and get ready for a wild ride. Things are about to get strange.

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