
Do you remember blue skies? Doesn’t it seem that there are more and more weird cloud trails in the sky? There really couldn’t be that many planes going by could there? What if it is something else? What if it’s a chemical? What is it? Why would there be extra chemicals in the air? Are those clouds safe or harmful? Is it science?...or Conspiracy? Things are about to get strange.

The chemtrail conspiracy theory is the belief that the long lasting condensation trails in the sky  consist of chemical or biological agents left in the sky by high flying aircrafts. They are sprayed by aircraft for horrible reasons that are not disclosed to the public. Those who believe this theory believe that the chemicals are released for weather modification, mind control, psychological manipulation, population control, testing of chemical or biological agents on the public, or chemical warfare. To chemtrail theorists, the difference between chemtrails and contrails is the difference of the duration. Chemtrails are left in the sky for hours, if not for half of the day. Contrails are a trail of condensed water from an aircraft or rocket at high altitude. It is seen as a white streak against the sky. Contrails are streams that last for only hours, and usually blend into large clouds because they are criss-crossed. 

This theory began back in 1996. The United States Air Force published a report about weather modification. In the late 90’s, the United States Air Force was accused of spraying the population of the United States with an unknown substance by aircrafts generating weird contrail patterns. Radio host Art Bell popularized the theory in 1999, and was posted online by people such as Richard Finke, the founder of a chemtrail conspiracy hoax, and William Thomas, the writer of Chemtrails Confirmed.

The United States Air Force released an undated fact sheet in the early 2000’s stating that the theories were a hoax and used the 1996 strategy paper  that was drafted within their Air University called “Weather as a force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025”. It was an outline for a possible future weather modification system for maintaining the US’s military dominance in 2025. It was identified as fictional representations. The Air force also clarified in 2005 that it didn’t reflect any current military practice, capability, or policy. 

There have been photographs of aircrafts filled with barrels installed in the passenger space of an airplane for light test purposes. It is claimed to show aerosol dispersion systems. The real purpose was to simulate the weight of cargo or passenge rs, and is filled with water that is pumped from barrel to barrel. This is to test different centers of gravity. This did not stop theorists from thinking that this was the cause of chemtrails. 

There was a review of 20 chemtrail websites in 2014. It found that people who believe in the chemtrail theories appeal to science in some of their arguments, but don’t believe what scientists or government employees say. These scientists and government employees have consistently denied that chemtrails are real, and that the chemtrails that are seen are simply persistent contrails. These are the condensation trails that are left in high altitudes by airplanes or rockets. Fossil fuel combustion produces water vapor and carbon dioxide. Since the air is so cold in these high altitudes the hot, humid air from the engine exhausts mixes with that cold air and causes the water vapors to turn into ice crystals. How long these last is all depending on the weather conditions. If the atmosphere is dry, the contrail will dissipate rather quickly, but if the conditions are close to saturation, the contrails will last for a while longer. 

There is a surge of thinking after Covid hit that contrails are being used to spread Covid, give out vaccines, reduce the population, initiate mind control, and attempt to promote a new world order. Some of the theorists state that putting a bowl of white vinegar outside your house is supposed to clear up chemtrailed skies. These social media groups usually have posts that are anti-vaccine and deny climate change.

Let’s get a little SCIENCE-Y

Contrails result when planes fly through the sky from a number of reasons.

  1. When air passes over the wings.

  2. The exhaust gasses.

  3. Dumping of extra fuel.

-Airplane wings are flat on the bottom and curved on top and taper off at the other end. The air below the wing travels quickly. The air above the wing has a longer distance to travel and becomes cooler. So when you see an airplane leave trails between the wings it’s because the air from above and below mixes. The cooler air above the wings hits the hotter air below the wings.

-Similarly, when the hot exhaust gasses from the engines are spewed out they mix with the cool air, again causing the water particles to crystalize and form clouds.

-Now, when a plane is set to fly it carries a certain amount of fuel. If a plane makes its voyage and has too much unburnt fuel left, a plane will dump excess fuel prior to landing to make the landing safer and to cause less wear and tear on the plane, since maintenance on aircraft is more expensive than just dumping the extra fuel.

By now, you are probably thinking that people are just CRAZY and that they are confusing the CHEMtrails for CONtrails. There is no such thing as chemtrails. WRONG.

There are legitimate uses, spraying crops or in the use of Cloud Seeding which works on a regional scale, seeking to influence weather systems for the benefit of agriculture. Some cloud seeding usage includes for watering crops, for increasing the amount of snowfall at ski resorts, or even to increase the snow for hydroelectric companies needing more water runoff to produce more electricity. Other countries have participated in cloud seeding. One example, England. 

(as read on article)

“Operation Cumulus

The British cloud-seeding experiment in the 1950s were far more effective than planned. On Aug. 15, 1952, they resulted in deadly flash floods in Lynmouth, a village in Devon, England. After dozens of people died in the floods, "Operation Cumulus" was put on hold. The British Ministry of Defense denied involvement in cloud-seeding until 2001, when documents exposing it were declassified.”

Cloud Seeding is one of an array of Geoengineering technologies. From the looks of it, there are negative effects that scientists are working through.


Chemtrail Pilot Blows the Cover Off of OPERATION INDIGO SKYFOLD

A military pilot came forward, confessing to the truth behind chemtrails. He mentions that pilots are spraying toxic chemicals but that even he and the other pilots are not fully disclosed about what they are releasing into the atmosphere. They’re told to Shut Up! The pilots are frequently rotated in locations and also on schedules to keep from building any close relationships are developing loose lips. You can find out more of the conversation on


Fun Facts: 

-Before the theories were spread, much of Britain was sprayed with airborne chemicals in the 50’s and 60’s. This was a series of secret germ warfare tests. San Francisco was sprayed with a chemical agent in 1950. It was sprayed from a ship to gauge the effects of a bioweapon attack on a populated area.

-Federal officials were flooded with angry and concerned calls or letters after the chemtrail theory was spread. 

- A multi-agency response attempted to stop the rumors in 2000. The agencies were the EPA, FAA, NASA, and the NOAA.

-Cloud Seeding was used during the 2008 Beijing Olympics in efforts to ward off rain during the opening ceremonies.

-Edward Snowden stated on The Joe Rogan Experience “In case you were wondering… chemtrails are not a thing.” And “I had ridiculous access to the networks of the NSA, the CIA, the military, all these groups. I couldn’t find anything.”


The Pied Piper
