Just Weird Joshua Lemell Just Weird Joshua Lemell

Mount Rushmore's Secret Chamber

The faces of Mount Rushmore represent four of the most important presidents in American history. The construction of Mount Rushmore was a triumph of American engineering and ingenuity. But laying in deep is a chamber very few have set their eyes upon, and even fewer been to. Today, we’re getting to what’s really inside Lincoln’s head. - Things are about to get strange.

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Aliens, Weird Event Joshua Lemell Aliens, Weird Event Joshua Lemell

Las Vegas UFO Crash

We don’t suspect to see things falling from the sky. When we do, we usually expect it to be a meteor or something of that nature. We don’t expect to hear that it is a UFO that crashed and that there are aliens on the loose in Las Vegas. Today we are going to talk about just that. Is it a hoax? Or did aliens really crash in one of the most popular towns in the world? Things are about to get strange.

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Folklore Joshua Lemell Folklore Joshua Lemell

The Pied Piper

The year is 1284. The town of Hamelin is in chaos. A rat infestation has swept through the town, and the people are desperate for a solution. One day, a stranger arrives in town. He is dressed in a long, flowing coat and a wide-brimmed hat. He carries a pipe, and he plays a strange, haunting melody.
Things are about to get strange.

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Conspiracy Theory Joshua Lemell Conspiracy Theory Joshua Lemell


Do you remember blue skies? Doesn’t it seem that there are more and more weird cloud trails in the sky? There really couldn’t be that many planes going by could there? What if it is something else? What if it’s a chemical? What is it? Why would there be extra chemicals in the air? Are those clouds safe or harmful? Is it science?...or Conspiracy?

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Cryptid Joshua Lemell Cryptid Joshua Lemell


The Mothman. A legend some seem to think stems from Point Pleasant, West Virginia, but has it been around longer? What exactly IS the Mothman? These questions and more are explored in this episode of, ConspiriWeird.

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